偏微分方程式セミナー(2018/4/20): Inverse problems in time fractional equations and on fluorescence imaging by diffusion process, Sun Chunlong 氏
離散幾何構造セミナー:距離空間に対する magnitude homology と order complex, 金田龍貴 (北大)
幾何学コロキウム:Generalised Long-Moody functors and polynomial functors (Arthur Soulié (Strasbourg))
離散幾何構造セミナー:Arthur Soulié (Strasbourg)
離散幾何構造セミナー:Symmetry of the set of values for fractional ideals of curves (Delphine Pol)
第80回附属社会創造数学センター主催北大MMCセミナー 海洋通気水温躍層理論と亜熱帯反流の理論モデル
月曜解析セミナー: Weighted partition of a compact metrizable space, its hyperbolicity and Ahlfors regular conformal dimension
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数理科学セミナー:Emergent behaviour and short term adaptation in a unicellular organism (Parameciucm) : observation and modelling
離散幾何構造セミナー:Log-concavity of chromatic and characteristic polynomials (Survey)