応用特異点論ラボセミナー:Thom Polynomials in Enumerative Geometry(Soeren Nekarda), Poincaré completions and Intersection Spaces(J. Timo Essig)
ASTL Seminar / Geometry Colloquium: 最小跡に関連する諸問題(伊藤仁一)
ASTL Seminar / Geometry Colloquium: 特異点の複素解析的不変量と parametric local cohomology system(田島慎一)
幾何学コロキウム/応用特異点論ラボセミナー:Implicit differential equations and vector fields with non-isolated singular points(Alexey Remizov氏,Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology)
幾何学コロキウム/応用特異点論ラボセミナー:On singularities of simple waves(Dmitry Tunitsky氏,V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences)
幾何学コロキウム/応用特異点論ラボセミナー:Harmonic maps, pseudospherical surfaces and singularities (David Brander (Technical University of Denmark))
応用特異点論ラボセミナー:On the differential geometry of holomorphic plane curves (Jorge Luiz Deolindo Silva (UFSC, Brazil; Hokkaido Univ.))
Applied Singularity Theory Labo Seminar: F5アルゴリズムを起源とするsignature-basedアルゴリズムの計算方法とその理論(坂田康亮)
応用特異点論ラボセミナー:Complete invariant of surface flows and their transitions(横山知郎氏,京都教育大学)