
幾何学コロキウム応用特異点論ラボセミナー:Implicit differential equations and vector fields with non-isolated singular points(Alexey Remizov氏,Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology)

2019年1220日 開催


2019年12月20日 15時 30分 ~ 2019年12月20日 16時 30分




Alexey Remizov (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology)

タイトル: Implicit differential equations and vector fields with non-isolated singular points

In this talk, I am planning to explain how vector fields with non-isolated singular points appear and how their typical phase portraits look like. A natural source of vector fields whose singular points fill a submanifold of codimension two is multidimensional Implicit Differential Equations (i.e., systems of ordinary differential equations not solvable for the derivatives). I am planning to give a survey of the main results in this subject and formulate some open problems.

なお,同日17:00から幾何学コロキウム:On singularities of simple waves(Dmitry Tunitsky氏,V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences)が開催されます.