幾何学コロキウム:Magnitude homology of geodesic metric spaces with an upper curvature bound (浅尾泰彦氏,東京大学)
2019年6月21日 開催
2019年6月21日 14時45分 ~ 2019年6月21日 16時15分
理学部3号館3-205室 (通常と異なります)
浅尾 泰彦(東京大学)
タイトル: Magnitude homology of geodesic metric spaces with an upper curvature bound
The idea of magnitude coined by Leinster unifies several ideas of “counting” appearing in mathematics. The magnitude homology of metric spaces defined by Leinster-Shulman is a categorification of magnitude in a sense. To investigate precise meaning of magnitude homology, we study it for geodesic metric spaces by means of metric geometry. We show several vanishing theorem for magnitude homology of geodesic metric spaces with an upper curvature bound. As a corollary, we obtain a slogan “the more geodesics are unique, the more magnitude homology vanishes”.