
数理科学セミナー:Towards A Rigorous Proof of Haldane’s Photonic Bulk-Edge Correspondence

2019年72日 開催


201972 16 30 201972 17 30




Max Lein (AIMR)


In 2005 Raghu and Haldane predicted an analog of the Integer Quantum Hall Effect in quasi-2d gyrotropic photonic crystals, thereby conjecturing that topological effects are wave rather than quantum phenomena. These unidirectional, backscattering-free edge modes were indeed observed in a number of beautiful experiments with microwaves, light at optical frequencies, coupled oscillators and other classical waves. Haldane proposed to explain this phenomenon via a photonic bulk-edge correspondence: the net number of edge modes that traverse a photonic bulk band gap are given by the bulk Chern number associated to the corresponding Fermi projection.

Proving Haldane’s conjecture turns out to be significantly harder than expected, because of a number of conceptual and technical difficulties. This talk will explore four of them: (1) Establishing rigorous quantum-wave analogies that allow us to systematically adapt tools from quantum mechanics to electromagnetism. (2) Identify the physically relevant symmetries and understand their nature. (3) Classify periodic operators with half a conical crossing. (4) Further develop tools to prove bulk-boundary correspondences for operators on the continuum.

The first two problems have been understood, whereas the last two problems are the subjects of active research.

This talk is based on a joint work with Giuseppe De Nittis