離散幾何構造セミナー:A new basic question about triangle-free graphs, Ross Kang (RU Nijmegen)
離散幾何構造セミナー:On Zariski pairs for conic-line arrangement II, 有馬研一郎氏(北大)
離散幾何構造セミナー:On Zariski pairs for conic-line arrangement I, 有馬研一郎氏(北大)
離散幾何構造セミナー:An Introduction to First-Order Categorical Logic: Toward Topos-Theoretic Model Theory, 荒武永史氏(京都大学数理解析研究所)
離散幾何構造セミナー:Hyperbolic and Cuspidal Root Systems (tentative), 斎藤恭司氏(東京大学 IPMU)
離散幾何構造セミナー:距離空間に対する magnitude homology と order complex, 金田龍貴 (北大)
離散幾何構造セミナー:Arthur Soulié (Strasbourg)
離散幾何構造セミナー:Symmetry of the set of values for fractional ideals of curves (Delphine Pol)
離散幾何構造セミナー:Log-concavity of chromatic and characteristic polynomials (Survey)
離散幾何構造セミナー:Discriminantal Arrangement, 3×3 Minors of Plücker Matrix and Hypersurfaces in Grassmannian Gr(3,n)
離散幾何構造セミナー:Discriminantal arrangement and Pappus Variety
離散幾何構造セミナー:Sectional Matrices for Free Hyperplane Arrangements