
北海道力学系webセミナー: Absolutely continuous $\sigma$-finite invariant measures for weakly expanding random maps with a flat point (豊川 永喜(九州大学 マスフォアインダストリ研究所))

2021年64日 開催

Time:2021年6月4日(金) 13:00~14:00

Speaker:豊川 永喜(九州大学 マス・フォア・インダストリ研究所)

Title: Absolutely continuous $\sigma$-finite invariant measures for weakly expanding random maps with a flat point

Abstract:In this talk, we show necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of an absolutely continuous $\sigma$-finite invariant measure with a certain support property for a given Markov operator. One of the equivalent conditions is weak almost periodicity of a jump operator of the original Markov operator which arises the well-known Jacobs–de Leeuw–Glicksberg splitting. As an application, we estimate invariant density functions for several random maps on the unit interval which have both a common indifferent fixed point and uniformly contracting branches (or moreover a flat point).

世話役: 中村(北見工大), 行木(北大理), 豊川(九大IMI)
