
北海道力学系webセミナー: Obstructions to the persistence and the existence of first integrals for nearly integrable systems(本永 翔也 (京都大学))

2020年62日 開催

Time:2020年6月2日(火) 14:00~15:00

Speaker:本永 翔也(京都大学)

Title:Obstructions to the persistence and the existence of first integrals for nearly integrable systems

Abstract:We consider nearly integrable systems including non- Hamiltonian cases and give obstructions to the persistence and the existence of first integrals of them. In our setting, the resonance degree of the unperturbed integrable systems plays an important role. As an application, we show nonintegrability of periodically perturbed one degree of freedom Hamiltonian systems without simple zeros of their ( subharmonic) Melnikov functions.

世話役: 豊川(北大理), 行木(北大理), 中村(北見工大)
