偏微分方程式セミナー: Constructing the distance function via an elliptic equation, 長谷部 高広 氏
2024年10月25日 開催
Place:理学部3号館3-309室 (hybrid)
Organizer:黒田 紘敏、浜向 直
Speaker:長谷部 高広 氏 (北海道大学)
Title:Constructing the distance function via an elliptic equation
Abstract:In this talk we see a new method for constructing the distance function to the boundary of given sets of interest, motivated by optimization problems. We extend the celebrated Varadhan’s elliptic equation theory in 1967 by adding the source term to the equation, in which we encode the information about the set. We will also establish the rate of convergence in this new framework, which is sharp at least in the one-dimensional case.