博士論文 平成27~令和5年度


  • 安孫子 啓介
    Various maximum principles for elliptic equations on unbounded domains 
  • 小山 元希
    Topology of Complements of Real Space Line Arrangements and Linearly
    Embedded Graphs
  • 河本 野恵
    Critical points for the spread-out models of self-avoiding walk,
    lattice trees and lattice animals
  • 清原 悠貴
    Geometry of timelike minimal surfaces in the three-dimensional
    Heisenberg group
  • 祐川 翼
    On stability of spatial patterns for mass-conserved reaction-diffusion
  • 高田 佑太
    Characteristic polynomials of isometries of even unimodular lattices
    and dynamical degrees of automorphisms of $K$3 surfaces
  • 田嶌 優
    Discrete Morse theory on magnitude homotopy types of finite graphs
  • 長谷川 蒼
    Associated groups of involutive quandles and their second quandle
  • 藤江 克徳
    Limit theorems on random matrices and finite free probability
  • 三栖 邦康
    Asymptotic analysis of mean curvature flow equations via games
  • WANG Zixuan(ワン ズーシュエン)
    Free multiarrangements and integral expressions of their derivations


  • 島谷 晴基
    On the pulse dynamics for reaction-diffusion systems on one-dimensional domains with various boundary conditions
  • 冨永 隼人
    Ground state properties of the Kondo lattice model with electron-phonon Interaction
  • 安ヶ平 裕介
    On a mathematical modeling and a computer-aided analysis for self-propelled systems


  • 石井 宙志
    Spatio and temporal dynamics of solutions for reaction-diffusion equations with nonlocal effect
  • ウェイ ダイ
    Long time solution of some types of nonlinear wave equations
  • 乙戸 勇大
    Two Constructions of Hopf Algebroids Based on the FRT Construction and Their Relations
  • キム ミンス
    On the study of a reaction-diffusion particle model for clustering of self-propelled oil droplets on a surfactant solution
  • 桑田 健
    Representation of Geometric Objects by Path Integrals
  • 向井 重雄
    Pfaffian Systems of Confluent Hypergeometric Functions of Two Variables
  • 矢不 俊文
    Explicit logarithmic formulas of hypergeometric functions $_{3}F_{2}$
  • ワン チョン シュエン
    Congruence relations for p-adic hypergeometric functions and its transformation formula


  • 岡本 守
    On a mathematical treatment of a particle-reaction-diffusion model
  • 上島 芳倫
    Mean-field behavior for percolation models
  • 佐藤 直飛
    Differential Geometry of Statistical Submanifolds
  • スン チュンロン
    Mathematical Study on Fluorescence Diffuse Optica Tomography — Recovering the Distribution of Fluorophores Using Cuboid Approximation
  • 藤堂 真登
    Towards the interpretation of complex visual hallucinations in terms of self-reorganization of neural networks.
  • 豊川 永喜
    Absolutely continuous σ-finite invariant measures for Markov operators and dissipative behavior of random dynamical systems
  • 新村 貴之
    Global in time stability with respect to the rotational inertia for nonlocal extensible beam equations
  • 松坂 公暉
    The Theory of Pseudo-Fan and Toric Construction of Moduli Space of Quasi Maps from Ρ1 with Two Marked Points to Ρ1 × Ρ1
  • 宮谷 俊典
    Semigroups and Geometry, and Link invariants constructed by semigroups
  • 山形 颯
    Studies on combinatorics of discriminantal arrangement
  • 吉田 啓佑
    KMS States on Operator Algebras Associated with Self-Similar Groups
  • 渡部 大志
    A Study of Self-organization Phenomena of Network Structure and Elements under the Constraint of Maximization of Information


  • Albert Rodríguez Mulet
    Asymptotic analysis of bending, torsional and stretching eigenfrequencies of thin elastic rods
  • 郭 威力
    On the Falk invariant of an arrangement
  • 植田 優基
    Studies on freely infinitely divisible distributions
  • 小森 大地
    The symbol theory of pseudodifferential operators via the Čech-Dolbeault cohomology
  • 福田 一貴
    Large Time Behavior of Solutions to the Viscous Conservation Law with Dispersion
  • Tan Nhat Tran


  • 田宮 裕治
    The effects of non-equilibrium angle fluctuation on rotary protein motor kinetics: numerical study with a data driven model
  • 相川 勇輔
    Two researches on elliptic curves: the rank problem in cyclotomic towers of function fields and an application to integer factorization using the CM method
  • 浅原 啓輔
    Spectral analysis of an abstract pair interaction model
  • 武田 裕康
    Confluent hypergeometric systems associated with principal nilpotent p-tuples
  • 半田 悟
    Stochastic-geometrical analysis to investigate critical behavior for statistical-mechanical models
  • 藤沢 好
    Equivariant Čech-de Rham theory and its applications


  • 王 咏喬
    Timelike Sabban curves in de Sitter space
  • 土田 旭
    Theory of solvability of generalized Hamiltonian systems and its application to sub-Riemmanian geometry
  • 齋藤 逸人
    On Moduli Spaces of Quasi-Maps and Gromov-Witten Invariants
  • 中村 文彦
    Asymptotic behavior of random dynamical systems arising from a single neuron model
  • 本多 俊一
    Flat surfaces associated with framed base curves


  • 劉 曄
    Low Dimensional Homology of Artin Groups
  • 千野 由喜
    Mathematical Approach to the Statistical-Mechanical Models in Random Media
  • 大澤 進
    Mass Renormalization in the Nelson Model
  • 加葉田 雄太朗
    Recognition of plane-to-plane map-germs and its application to projective differential geometry


  • Mirjana Milijevic
    CR submanifolds in holomorphic statistical manifolds
  • 日月 裕(論文博士)
    Network analysis of medical knowledge to investigate the structure of medical service : Toward a mathematical
  • 船川 大樹
    Analysis on the Degeneracy of the Ground State in Quantum Field Models
  • 和田 和幸
    Spectral Analysis of a Charged Scalar Field Model with Cutoffs
  • 山下 達也
    Studies on vector fields and differential forms on C∞-schemes