
Active Learning Promotion Office in Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University




  • アクティブラーニング授業の紹介と関連情報の収集
  • 基礎自然科学系学生のための課題解決型授業の開発と実践
  • アクティブラーニング導入支援のためのワークショップ・FD講習・セミナーなどの開催

We Support New Problem-solving Approaches to Classroom Lessons

The Active Learning Promotion Office engages in the following activities aimed at developing and implementing new styles of classroom lessons that will nurture human resources who can utilize their expertise in natural sciences to solve problems of the international community. We work with assistance from related departments engaged in education and research in basic natural science.

  • Introducing active-learning classroom lessons and collecting related information
  • Developing and implementing problem-solving classroom lessons for basic natural science students
  • Holding faculty development sessions, workshops, and seminars supporting the adoption of active learning


Office: 北海道大学理学部 2号館 401室

E-mail: active-learning*sci.hokudai.ac.jp(*は@に置き換えください)

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