2022年度 理学院優秀研究奨励賞の授賞式が執り行われました


2022年6月29日、北海道大学大学院理学院 優秀研究奨励賞の授賞式が執り行われました。優秀研究奨励賞とは、日本学術振興会特別研究員制度DC1もしくはDC2に大学院理学院の担当教員を受け入れ研究者として申請し、採択予定年度に理学院博士後期課程に在籍を予定するものの中から、より一層の研究のステップアップが期待できる学生を表彰する制度です。今年度は数学専攻7名、物性物理学専攻1名、宇宙理学専攻3名、自然史科学専攻8名の計19名が本賞を受賞しました。

2022年度(令和4年度)理学院優秀研究奨励賞 受賞者リスト



「It is my great pleasure to be able to hold this award ceremony today to present you the Excellent research award of the Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University. This award is given to graduate students in the doctoral course who applied for the JSPS Fellowship, and who are expected not only to step up their research activities but also to get their PhD within 3 years of the standard doctoral course period.

I know some of you successfully got the JSPS fellowship, while some unfortunately did not. But the good news is that Hokkaido University launched two new programs, the Ambitious fellowship and the DX fellowship a few years ago, and all of you here have been supported by one of them. I hope these fellowships will enable you to devote your time to research in a better environment. Of course, you must keep in mind that you should take responsibility for what you do in your research life. I would say the doctoral course will be the best time in your research life because you can focus 100% on your study every day. Such a blessed time is not something you will often have in the future.

You have already started your study in doctoral course. I understand your research environment is still in the so-called “new normal” due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, you know very well that you should not compromise your research achievement because of COVID-19.

We, the faculty and staff members of the Graduate School of Science, are happy to support you as much as possible. Please keep it up and do your best as always.
Congratulations on winning this award.
