
大学院生の作品がCell Stem Cell表紙を飾る!

 本学科を卒業し、生命科学院の博士課程に在学中の木本舞さんの作品が、最優秀デザインとして世界のトップジャーナルCell Stem Cell誌6月14日の5周年特集号の表紙を飾っています。
 生物学の研究者仲間で CNS と言ったら、中枢神経系のことを指すこともありますが、だいたいは Cell, Nature, Science という三大学術ジャーナル(学術雑誌)のことを言うことが多いもので、これらの雑誌に論文が載ることは一流研究者の仲間入りを意味します。その中で Cell は、5年前から幹細胞研究に特化した Cell Stem Cell という姉妹誌も出しており、幹細胞の研究では短期間でこれも超一流の学術雑誌に成長しています。その Cell Stem Cell が5周年特集号の表紙デザインを世界に公募していたのですが、なんと北大生命科学院の木本舞さんの作品がみごと最優秀デザインとして6月14日の5周年特集号の表紙を飾りました。北大 CoSTEP の修了時にも細胞の中で遺伝子がはたらく様子などを描いた「絵本」を出版し、北海道新聞に取り上げられたりしたこともありましたが、今度は押しも押されもせぬ世界デビューで、絵心を持った分子生物学の専門家でなければできない優れた科学コミュニケーションとして内外から高く評価されています。(ST)
憧れのCell Pressの表紙絵に採用していただけることになり、とても嬉しいです。
I painted human tissues like sea life using colored pencils. Stem cells including those have been identified and characterized over the past 5 years were indicated in white.
Many adult tissues contain stem cells, which are pluripotent and are involved in organ maintenance and repair after injury. The self-renewal and differentiation activity of stem cells is controlled by their surrounding environment, termed as the stem cell niche.
Recently, stem cell locations in various tissues and anatomical structures of their niche have been revealed: neural stem cells are in the subventricular zone of brain (they confer pinwheel architecture to the ventricular surface), intestinal stem cells (+4 cells and CBC cells) are in the base of intestinal crypt (quiscent and active stem cells, respectively), hematopoietic stem cells are in the endosteal zone and perivascular zone of bome marrow (quiscent and active stem cells, respectively), hair follicle stem cells are in
the bulge, epidermal stem cells are in the basal layer, myogenic stem cells are under basal lamina on myofiber, kidney stem cells are in the renal papilla, hepatic stem cells are in the ductal plates, pancreatic stem cells are insulin-expressing cell in the pancreatic islet. Presence of stem cells in the heart and lung have been also shown. It is obvious that reserch on the ES and iPS cells have made great progress.
以下、Cell Stem Cell誌の表紙への解説と木本さんへの祝辞です。
Congrats to Mai Kimoto, Cover Contest Winner!
The winning entry is a hand-drawn image depicting an array of stem cells and their niches as a coral reef of human tissues. Ms. Kimoto, who is a graduate student at Hokkaido University in Japan, found inspiration from her country’s seaside surroundings.
On the cover: The winning entry of our fifth anniversary issue cover contest submitted by Mai Kimoto, of Hokkaido University, Japan. Ms. Kimoto used colored pencils to draw stem cells and their niches as a coral reef of human tissues, highlighting the stem cells themselves in white. The populations depicted include embryonic stem cells in the inner cell mass of the developing embryo, neural stem cells in the subventricular zone of the brain, quiescent and actively proliferating intestinal stem cell populations in the base of the intestinal crypt, hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow, hair follicle stem cells in the bulge, epidermal stem cells in the basal layer of the skin, and satellite cells under the basal lamina of muscle fibers. In all, the image celebrates the progress of the stem cell field over the past 5 years.