The OIAS provides support for students in the School of Science, Graduate School of Science, and Graduate School of Life Science, who are interested in Study Abroad (Exchange Program) and/or advancing to regular degree programs in oversea universities. If you need any support, feel free to contact us.
Examples of Our Services
- Explaining how exchange programs at the Hokkaido University work
- Explaining how to apply for graduate schools in oversea universities
- Need to fill some forms and/or proof-reading your application materials in Japanese
- Need to fill some forms and/or proof-reading your application materials in English
- 北海道大学の交換留学制度について詳しく知りたい
- 海外の大学への進学を考えているが、どの様に準備すればよいか分からない?
- 留学奨学金申込書・エッセイの添削
- 海外大学から英文エッセイ・書類の提出を求められているが書き方が分からない