TAKAGI Masaoki
Speciation and Ecology in avian species
Department of Biological Sciences, Biodiversity

Theme | Ecological views points are prerequisite to understand avian species diversity in a community, and molecular diversity in a species. Not to leap at the latest research fashion, we aim to patiently accumulate biological significant data one hundred years later. |
Field | Island Biology, Ecology, Population Ecology, Ornithology, Behavioural Ecology |
Keyword | Life history, Life history strategy, Breeding ecology, Breeding disperasal, Natal disperasal, Inbreeding, Inbreeding Dipression, Ocenic island, Continental island, Islands/Archiperago, Minami-daito Island/Kita-daito Island, The Nansei Islands, The Ogasawara Archipelago, Ishikari City, Sappro City, Ryukyu Scops Owl, Bull-headed Shrike, Brown Shike, Ruddy Kingfisher |
Introduction of Research
The number of bird species varies more than ten thousand in the world. Many closely related species and quite a lot of subspecies distribute peripherally. It is difficult to understand the diversity from only a view point of geographical isolation. Then, ecological views points are prerequisite to understand avian species diversity in a community, and molecular diversity in a species. We conduct researches in a verity of aspects from geographic information systems (GIS) to molecular biology including behavioral technics. However, at any rate, what’s most important is that we persistently observe our research objectives in the field to give our study originality. Not to leap at the latest research fashion, we aim to patiently accumulate biological significant data one hundred years later.
Representative Achievements

Academic degree | Ph. D. |
Academic background | 1997 Graduated, Grauate School of Abriculture, Hokkaido University 1997-1998 JSPS Post-doctral fellow, Rikkyo University 1998 Research associate, Osaka City University. 2001 Visitting accademic, Merborn University. 2006 Lecturer, Osaka City University. 2008 Associate professor, Osaka City University. 2016 - Present |
Affiliated academic society | Ornithological Society of Japan, Ecological Society of Japan, Japanese Bird Banding Association |
Room address | Science Building No. 5 5-513 |