Automatic feature engineering for catalyst design using small data without prior knowledge of target catalysis

Joint press release (in Japanese)
The empirical aspect of descriptor design in catalyst informatics, particularly when confronted with limited data, necessitates adequate prior knowledge for delving into unknown territories, thus presenting a logical contradiction. This study introduces a technique for automatic feature engineering (AFE) that works on small catalyst datasets, without reliance on specific assumptions or pre-existing knowledge about the target catalysis when designing descriptors and building machine-learning models. This technique generates….
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Article Information:
Taniike, T., Fujiwara, A., Nakanowatari, S., García-Escobar, F ., Takahashi, K
Automatic feature engineering for catalyst design using small data without prior knowledge of target catalysis. Commun Chem7, 11 (2024).
DOI: 10.1038/s42004-023-01086-y