Plastic/Ferroelectric Crystals with Easily Switchable Polarization: Low-Voltage Operation, Unprecedentedly High Pyroelectric Performance, and Large Piezoelectric Effect in Polycrystalline Forms

Molecular ferroelectric crystals have attracted growing interest as potential alternatives to conventional lead-based ceramic ferroelectrics. We have recently discovered that a class of compounds known as plastic crystals can show multiaxial ferroelectricity, which allows ferroelectric performance even in polycrystalline forms. Here, we report new plastic/ferroelectric ionic molecular crystals that exhibit remarkably…..
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Article information:
Harada J. et al., Plastic/Ferroelectric Crystals with Easily Switchable Polarization: Low-Voltage Operation, Unprecedentedly High Pyroelectric Performance, and Large Piezoelectric Effect in Polycrystalline Forms. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 23, 9349–9357.
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b03369