Near-field induced local excitation dynamics of Na10 and Na10–N2 from real-time TDDFT

Electron dynamics of the Na10 chain and the Na10–N2 complex locally excited by an atomistic optical near-field are investigated using real-time time-dependent density functional theory calculations on real-space grids. Ultrafast laser pulses were used to simulate the near-field excitation under on- and off-resonance conditions. Off-resonance excitation did not lead to the propagation of the excitation through the Na10 chain. In contrast,….
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Article Information:
Daisuke Nishizawa, Risa Amano, Tetsuya Taketsugu, Takeshi Iwasa, Near-field induced local excitation dynamics of Na10 and Na10–N2 from real-time TDDFT.The Journal of Chemical Physics 161,054309 (2024)