ABE Kazuhiro
Understanding molecular mechanism of biological macromolecules at the chemical level, manupilate it, and creat it
Department of Chemistry, Organic and Biological Chemistry

Theme | Elucidating molecular mechanisms of membrane transport proteins including active tansporters |
Field | Biochemistry, Structural biology, Molecular biology |
Keyword | X-ray crystallography, Cryo-EM, Primary transporters, Membrane proteins, P-type ATPases, Gastric proton pump, Phospholipid Flippase, Sodium pump, Lipid transport proteins |
Introduction of Research
If thermal equilibrium means death, the asymmetric distribution of various substrates across the memebrane of the living cells is one of the impotant basis of the living system. This is created and maintaind by a number of active transporters including P-type ATPases, which mediate uphill transport a variety of substgrates, ranging from small cations to large phospholipids against their electrochemical gradient by utilizing ATP as an energy source. Employing biochemistry and structural biology, we try to elucidate how these protein molecules, which play a fundamental role in life, work at the "chemical" level.
Representative Achievements
Related industries
Academic degree | Ph D |
Self Introduction | From Sapporo. I am working on X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM single particle analysis to elucidate molecular mechanism of membrane transport proteins including gastric proton pump and other P-type ATPases. Big fun for beer in a microbrewery. |
Academic background | 1999 B Sc, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University 2001 M Sc, Graduate school of Science, Hokkaido University 2004 Ph D, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University 2003-2007 JSPS Research Fellow 2004- Posdoc, Graduate Shool of Science, Kyoto University 2012- Assistant Professor, Cellular and Structgural Physiology Institute, Nagoya University 2016- Associate Professor, Cellular and Structgural Physiology Institute, Nagoya University 2024- Professor, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University |
Affiliated academic society | The Japanese Biochemical Society, The Biophysical Society of Japan, The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan |
Project | JST CREST, Cell Dynamics "Lipid scrambring system regulated by higher-order structure interaction" |
Room address | Science Bulding 7 7-208 |