Special Education Programs

Multifaceted ambitious DX human resource development program

Program Outlines

Through scientific research that unravels the principles behind phenomena, this program aims to cultivate the next generation of data scientists who can confront global challenges with a multifaced perspective of both a DX-based (data-driven) and a mathematical insight-based (hypothesis-driven).
Students who complete this program will receive a certificate at the end of their Master’s (MC) or Doctoral (DC) programs.

Program Completion Requirements
Subjects Eligible
Credits Number of credits
required to complete the program
MC program DC program
Special Lecture on Data Sciences MC 1 2 or more  
Data Science Related Subjects (*1) MC・DC 1~2  
International Science Initiative MC 1  
Science Globe- Outbound I MC・DC 1 1 or more
Science Globe- Outbound II MC・DC 2
Special Seminar on Data Sciences
(Case Studies on Data Sciences I)
MC 1 1
Special Seminar on Data Sciences
(Case Studies on Data Sciences II)
DC 1   1
  3 or more 2 or more
(*1) Specialized subjects of the Graduate School of Science assigned as “Data Science Related Subjects” in each academic year
(*2) The credit of “Science Globe- Outbound I・II” earned during the master course may be included.
Registration for the AY2025 Program (Spring Admission)

  • Registration for the program
    Sign up for Google Forms during the application period.
    – MC:from Tuesday, April 1 to Wednesday, April 30
    – DC:As needed

    – Students who are enrolling in the Graduate School of Science in AY2023-2025
  • Registration for relevant subjects
    Register the subjects you wish to take during the designated registration period.
  • Inquiry
    Graduate School Educational Affairs Section, Science, and Life Science Administration Department
    mail : madx.igcdhs(at)sci.hokudai.ac.jp
Subject/Lecture Titles

Subject/Lecture Titles in AY2025

Subject/Lecture Titles in AY2024

Subject/Lecture Titles in AY2023

Introduction of the Featured Program
Data Science Special Exercise “Data-Science Case Study I・II”

Details of the class for AY2024

It often could occur that the common sense of one laboratory becomes the blind spot of another laboratory even in the same graduate school or department due to the rapid advancement of data science technology and method. These subjects are the core subjects of this program and are the only required credits for this program, and aim to enable students to communicate their research contents and results to other students in different research fields, with data science as a cross-cutting point. This program aims to enhance the ability to present and assert as well as enrich multiple viewpoints by having DC students give presentations in English and MC students listen to those presentations. We expect students to enhance their skills for grasping data science by efficiently reaffirming the position and usefulness of various methods through the discussion in this exercise.