NUMATA Yasuhide
Study of ubiquitous combinatorial structures
Department of Mathematics, Mathematics

Theme | I study combinatorial object from the point of view of bijective combinatorics, i.e., enumerative combinatorics. In particular, I am interested in combinatorial objects appearing in theory of representation and algebra. |
Field | Bijective Combinatorics, Enumerative Combinatorics, Combinatorics related to representation theory |
Keyword | Young diagrams, Young tableaux, Symmetric functions, Groebner bases, One-to-one correspondences |
Introduction of Research
I study combinatorial object from the point of view of bijective combinatorics, i.e., enumerative combinatorics. In particular, I am interested in combinatorial objects appearing in theory of representation and algebra. For example, the lattice of Young diagrams, which play important rolls to describe symmetric function, irreducible representations, and so on, is one of most important objects. Moreover, I am also interested in combinatorial structures appearing in computational algebraic statistics, algebraic topological data analysis, and so on.
Representative Achievements
Room address | Science Bldg. #3 |