Researcher Information



Investigation of earthquakes and tsunamis for developing reasonable mitigation strategies

Institute of Seismology and Volcanology, Ocean Bottom Seismology and Tsunami


Estimation of tsunami and earthquake characteristics

FieldTsunami, Earthquake, Disaster prevention and mitigation
KeywordGeneration, propagation, inundation, and run-up of tsunamis, Rupture process of great earthquakes, Coastal disaster and disaster prevention

Introduction of Research

My major research interests are tsunamis and numerical modeling of them. Predictive skills for tsunami behavior have rapidly developed over the last several decades. Based on numerical simulation, we can now reasonably estimate tsunami propagation and inundation resulting from an offshore sea surface deformation. However, the numerical results do not necessarily reflect the actual tsunami behaviors accurately, especially in nearshore and inundated areas, because of uncertainties in the modeling. Based on these situations, in my studies, observational and/or experimental studies are sometimes carried out to support the numerical results for a tsunami phenomenon. Using these results from the different approaches, we will achieve a comprehensive understanding of tsunami dynamics.

Representative Achievements

Real-time tsunami forecasting system with nonlinear effects using Green’s functions: application to near-shore tsunami behavior in complex bay topography,
Y. Yamanaka, K. Hashimoto, and Y. Tajima, Coastal Engineering Journal, 65(4), 546-559, 2023.
Short-wave run-ups of the 1611 Keicho tsunami along the Sanriku Coast,
Y.Yamanaka and Y.Tanioka, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 9(1), 2022.
Tsunami inundation characteristics along the Japan Sea coastline: effect of dunes, breakwaters, and rivers,
Y.Yamanaka and T.Shimozono, Earth, Planets and Space, 74(1), 2022.
Academic background2009 Department of Civil Eng., National Institute of Technology, Wakayama College (A.B. Eng.)
2011 Department of Civil Eng., Nagaoka University of Technology (B.Eng.)
2013 Department of Civil Eng., The University of Tokyo (M. Eng.)
2016 Department of Civil Eng., The University of Tokyo (Dr. Eng.)
2013 JSPS Research Fellow (DC)
2016 JSPS Research Fellow (PD)
2017 Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Eng., The University of Tokyo
Affiliated academic societyJapan Society of Civil Engineers, The Seismological Society of Japan, Japan Geoscience Union
Room addressScience Bld. 4