Research News

Reconstructing the ecology of a Cretaceous cockroach: destructive and high-resolution imaging of its micro sensory organs

Press release (in Japanese)

Animals highly depend on their sensory organs to detect information about their surrounding environment. Among animal sensory organs, those of insects have a notable ability to detect information despite their small size, which might be, therefore, one of the reasons for the evolutionary success of insects. However, insect sensory organs are seldom fossilized in sediments due to their small size and fragility. A potential solution for this problem is…..

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Article information:
Taniguchi, R., Nishino, H., Watanabe, H. et al. Reconstructing the ecology of a Cretaceous cockroach: destructive and high-resolution imaging of its micro sensory organs. Sci Nat 108, 45 (2021).
DOI: 10.1007/s00114-021-01755-9