Research News

Tdrd3 regulates the progression of meiosis II through translational control of Emi2 mRNA in mouse oocytes

Press release (in Japanese)

After completion of meiosis I, the oocyte immediately enters meiosis II and forms a metaphase II (MII) spindle without an interphase, which is fundamental for generating a haploid gamete. Here, we identify tudor domain-containing protein 3 (Tdrd3) as a novel regulator of oocyte meiosis. Although early mitotic inhibitor 2 (Emi2) protein has been shown to ensure the meiosis I to II transition……

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Article information:
Natsumi Takei, Keisuke Sato, Yuki Takada, Rajan Iyyappan, Andrej Susor, Takehiro Yamamoto, Tomoya Kotani,
Tdrd3 regulates the progression of meiosis II through translational control of Emi2 mRNA in mouse oocytes, Current Research in Cell Biology, Volume 2, 2021, 100009, ISSN 2590-2636.
DOI: 10.1016/j.crcbio.2021.100009