Multistep topological transitions among meron and skyrmion crystals in a centrosymmetric magnet

Joint press release (in Japanese) University of Tokyo, RIKEN, J-PARC Center, Hokkaido University, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, JST
Topological swirling spin textures, such as skyrmions and merons, have recently attracted much attention as potential building blocks for high-density magnetic information devices. Controlling the transformation between different types of these quasiparticles is an important challenge. To date, these transitions have mostly been limited to a few non-centrosymmetric systems, where they are driven by the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction. Here we demonstrate multistep topological transitions among a variety of meron and skyrmion crystal states in a centrosymmetric magnet GdRu2Ge2. These are governed ……
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Article Information:
Yoshimochi, H., Takagi, R., Ju, J. et al.
Multistep topological transitions among meron and skyrmion crystals in a centrosymmetric magnet. Nat. Phys. (2024).
DOI: 10.1038/s41567-024-02445-9