偏微分方程式セミナー: Positive solutions to reaction diffusion equations with rational non-linearity, 澤田 宙広 氏
偏微分方程式セミナー: Well-posedness and parabolic smoothing effect for higher order Schrödinger type equations with constant coefficients, 田中 智之 氏
偏微分方程式セミナー: Higher-order asymptotic profiles of the solutions to the viscous Fornberg-Whitham equation, 福田 一貴 氏
偏微分方程式セミナー: Existence of non-convex traveling waves for surface diffusion flow with contact angle condition, 可香谷 隆 氏
偏微分方程式セミナー: Quasilinear elliptic equations with sub-natural growth terms in bounded domains, 原 宇信 氏
HMMC Seminar: 確率論的な数理モデルによる微生物の増殖・死滅挙動の予測(小山健斗)
Monday Analysis Seminar:非線形拡散方程式に対する時空均質化問題(岡大将)*開催中止
Hokkaido Seminars on Special Functions:Congruence relations and transformation formulas of p-adic hypergeometric functions(王 崇亘)
非線形現象の数値シミュレーションと解析2020 ※開催中止
Discrete Geometric Structure Seminar: Lefschetz properties and Hyperplane Arrangements (Elisa Palezzato)
Discrete Geometric Structure Seminar: Introduction to K(\pi, 1) arrangements (吉永正彦)