数学総合講義Ⅰ「数理で読み解く生物行動学」/ Comprehensive Lecture on Mathematics I [Mathematical ethology of organisms](中垣俊之・西上幸範)
数学総合講義Ⅰ「化学と数理・情報科学の異分野連携」/ Comprehensive Lecture on Mathematics I [Interplay between chemistry and mathematical information sciences](小松崎民樹・田畑公次・水野雄太)
数学特別講義Ⅱ「コンパクト対称空間の極大対蹠集合(学部向け)」/幾何学特別講義「コンパクト対称空間の極大対蹠集合A・B(院向け)」/(Special Lectuer on Mathmatics 2 [Maximal antipodal sets in compact symmetric spaces A・B])(田崎博之)
Practical Approach to Probability and its Application (1)/(2) (久保英夫 ほか)
Practical Approach to Differential Geometry and Topology (1)/(2) (久保英夫 ほか)
Practical Approach to Analysis (1)/(2) (久保英夫 ほか)
Practical Approach to Algebraic Methods for Application (1)/(2)(久保英夫 ほか)
数学特別講義Ⅱ「孤立波の安定性解析 (学部向け)」/数理解析学特別講義「孤立波の安定性解析 A・B(院向け)」/(Special lecture on Analytic studies [Stability analysis of solitary waves A・B])(太田雅人)
幾何学特別講義「接触・シンプレクティック多様体のトポロジー入門」/ Introduction to topology of contact and symplectic manifolds (大場貴裕)
数学総合講義Ⅰ「数理技術の社会応用・計算機の革新」/ Comprehensive Lecture on Mathematics I [Solving social problems and innovating computer technologies due to mathematics](山岡雅直・竹本享史)
数学総合講義Ⅰ「現象数理と数理モデリング」/ Comprehensive Lecture on Mathematics I [Mathematics for Phenomena and Mathematical Modeling](長山雅晴)
代数学特別講義「Schubert Calculus and its Generalizations I・II」(スクリムシャー,トラビス ほか)