Admission Guideline

Hokkaido University is accepting applications for the “Hokkaido University Doctoral Fellowship”, which provides financial support, research support, and career path support to doctoral students in graduate school, enabling them to concentrate on their research without having to worry about living expenses.
Please refer to the “Hokkaido University Doctoral Fellowship” below.

Guidelines for Application for the Entrance Examination

Master’s Course (Former Period of Doctoral Program)

Selection Release
PDF File
Summer Selection Early-June April, 2025
or October, 2024
For Special Category for International Students PDF
For General Category PDF
Supervisor List PDF
Fall Selection
(Application guidelines for the previous year)
Early September April, 2024 For General Category PDF
Supervisor List PDF

Winter Selection
(Application guidelines for the previous year)

Late November April, 2024
or October, 2024
For Special Category for International Students PDF
For General Category PDF
Supervisor List PDF

Doctoral Course (Latter Period of Doctoral Program)

Selection Release
PDF File
Summer Selection Early-June April, 2025
or October, 2024
For Residing Abroad PDF
For Residing in Japan PDF
Supervisor List PDF
Fall Selection
(Application guidelines for the previous year)
April, 2024 For Residing in Japan PDF
Supervisor List PDF

Winter Selection
(Application guidelines for the previous year)

April, 2024
or October, 2024
For Residing Abroad PDF
For Residing in Japan PDF
Supervisor List PDF


The Graduate School Educational Affairs Section
Science and Life Science Administration Department
Hokkaido University
Kita-10 Nishi-8, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-0810, Japan
Email: r-gakuin[at] (Replace [at] with @)

Hokkaido University Doctoral Fellowship

Based on the “Support for Pioneering Research Initiated by the Next Generation” implemented by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), the purpose of the Hokkaido University Doctoral Fellowship is to foster outstanding doctoral researchers who can develop Japan’s science, technology, and innovation, and open up the future by creatively solving important issues.
Therefore, this fellowship program will provide an environment in which doctoral students can devote themselves to research by providing them with research fellowship (amount equivalent to living expenses) and research expenses.
For details on Doctoral Fellowship, please refer to the portal site.

Hokkaido University EXEX Doctoral Fellowship Portal Site

Hokkaido University Next Generation AI Doctoral Fellowship Portal Site