Assistant Professor
Mechanism of volanic eruption
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Earth and Planetary System Science

Theme | magmatic degassing |
Field | material sciences of volcanic eruption, transport phenomena, chemical thermodynamics |
Keyword | magma |
Introduction of Research
I am interested in mechanism of volcanic eruption. Based on high-PT experiments, I try to understand behaviour of volatiles in magma.
Representative Achievements
Fingerprint of silicic magma degassing visualised through chlorine microscopy, S.Yoshimura, T.Kuritani, A.Matsumoto, M.Nakagawa, Scientific Reports, 2019, 9:786
Chlorine diffusion in rhyolite under low-H2O conditions, Yoshimura, S., Chemical Geology 2018, 483, 619-630.
Carbonate ions in high-SiO2 rhyolite observed in fluid-melt equilibrium experiments, Yoshimura,S., Nakamura,M. and Yurimoto, H., Geochemical Journal, 2017, 51, 251-262.
Flux ofvolcanic CO2 emission estimated from melt inclusions and fluid transport modelling, Yoshimura, S., Nakamura, M., Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2013, 361 497-503.
Fracture healing in a magma: An experimental approach and implications for volcanic seismicity and degassing, Yoshimura, S., Nakamura, M., Journal of Geophysical Research, 2010, 115, B09209.
Academic degree | PhD |