Researcher Information

FUKUTOMI Matasaburo

Assistant Professor

Fishes with the ability of electricity

Department of Biological Sciences, Behavioral Neurobiology


Electrosensory behavior of teleosts

FieldNeurobiology, Neuroethology, Comparative physiology
KeywordCommunication, Active sensing, Electrosensory, Evolution of behavior, Sensorimotor integration, Corollary discharge, Neural circuit, Neural coding, Video analysis, Steroid hormone, Comparative approach, Weakly electric fish, Teleost

Introduction of Research

We are interested in neural mechanisms of social behavior and study electric fishes as a model system. Electric fishes generate and sense electric signals for their communication and active sensing. We address the following questions: (1) How the signal exchange can establish the social relationship among animals? (2) How does the brain process the communication signal and decide to produce the signal? (3) How does the brain regulate the coordination of electric signal generation and swimming behavior? We use a variety of techniques, including behavioral experiments, electrophysiology, and statistical modeling.

Mormyrid fish generate electric pulses by discharging an electric organ in their tail. The interval between pulses can be flexibly varied to communicate behavioral states in the moment.
Simultaneous recording of electric pulses and swimming behavior from socially interacting fish. How do they use temporal patterns of electric pulses for their communication?

Representative Achievements

Hormonal coordination of motor output and internal prediction of sensory consequences in an electric fish.
Fukutomi M, Carlson BA. Current Biology, 33:3350–3359. 2023
Signal diversification is associated with corollary discharge evolution in weakly electric fish.
Fukutomi M, Carlson BA. Journal of Neuroscience 40:6345–6356. 2020
A history of corollary discharge: Contributions of mormyrid weakly electric fish.
Fukutomi M, Carlson BA. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 14:42. 2020
福富 又三郎 比較生理生化学 40:97–104. 2023

Related industries

Engineering, Biomimetics
Academic degreePh. D.
Self Introduction

I am from Saitama. I love cycling, marathon, beer, photograph, board game.

Academic background2014 B.S., Department of Biological Science, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University
2016 M.S., Graduate School of Life Science, Hokkaido University
2017 JSPS Research Fellow (DC2)
2019 Ph.D., Graduate School of Life Science, Hokkaido University
2019 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Washington University in St. Louis
2020 Uehara Memorial Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow
2021 JSPS Overseas Research Fellow
2024– Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Science, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University
Room addressScience Building 5 5-803
