Differential androgen receptor expression and DNA methylation state in striatum song nucleus Area X between wild and domesticated songbird strainsWADA Kazuhiro
- Department of Biological Sciences
Jun. 11, 2013 -
Selection-Rule Breakdown at Plasmon-Induced Electronic Excitation of an Isolated Single-Walled Carbon NanotubeMURAKOSHI Kei
- Department of Chemistry
May. 27, 2013 -
Formation of Functionalized Nanowires Based on Control of Self-Assembly Using Multiple Modified Amyloid PeptidesSAKAGUCHI Kazuyasu
- Department of Chemistry
Apr. 23, 2013 -
Dr.Kuroiwa Asato(Department of Biological Sciences) won The Young Scientists’ Prize by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.KUROIWA Asato
- Department of Biological Sciences
Apr. 16, 2013 -
Plasmonic Optical Tweezers Can Form Characteristic MicropatternsTSUBOI Yasuyuki
- Department of Chemistry
Apr. 09, 2013 -
Dr.Shoshiro Minobe(Natural History Sciences) won the JOS Prize by the Oceanographic Society of Japan.MINOBE Shoshiro
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Apr. 01, 2013 -
Dr.Wataru HORIUCHI(Department of Physics) won the Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan.HORIUCHI Wataru
- Department of Physics
Mar. 26, 2013 -
Chicken hemogen homolog is involved in the chicken specific sex determining mechanismKUROIWA Asato
- Department of Biological Sciences
Feb. 12, 2013 -
Belemnites originated in the Triassic ―A new look at an old groupIBA Yasuhiro
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Oct. 26, 2012 -
Thyroid hormone determines the start of the sensitive period of imprinting and primes later learningMATSUSHIMA Toshiya
- Department of Biological Sciences
Sep. 26, 2012
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