Nonstationary footprints of ENSO in the Mekong River Delta hydrology

Distribution map of rainfall in October and Con Dao Island(★) where the coral core was drilled.
The Mekong River Delta (MRD) is an essential agricultural area for the worldwide rice supply. Floods and droughts triggered by El Niño southern oscillation (ENSO) have been threatening sustenance in the MRD. Sustainable food supplies require understanding the response of the MRD hydrology to the changing ENSO behaviour in recent decades. Here, we reconstructed the annual rainfall maxima in the MRD using the oceanic paleoclimate proxy from coral skeletons and compared them with ENSO indexes…..
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Article information:
Watanabe, T.K., Phan, T.T., Yamazaki, A. et al. Nonstationary footprints of ENSO in the Mekong River Delta hydrology. Sci Rep 12, 21186 (2022).
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-20597-7