Difference in the lightning frequency between the July 2018 heavy rainfall event over central Japan and the 2017 northern Kyushu heavy rainfall event in Japan

The causes for the differences in the lightning frequency between two heavy rainfall events, the 2017 northern Kyushu heavy rainfall event and the 2018 heavy rainfall event in central Japan, were examined using a numerical model coupled with an explicit bulk lightning model. These heavy rainfall events occurred near the Baiu frontal system of Japan in July, but the characteristics of rainfall differed. The former case was…..
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Article Information:
Sato, Y., Hayashi, S., &Hashimoto, A. (2021). Difference in the lightningfrequency between the July 2018 heavy rainfallevent over central Japan and the 2017 northernKyushu heavy rainfall event in Japan. AtmosphericScience Letters, e1067.
DOI: 10.1002/asl.1067