Research News

Future change in the contribution of riming and depositional growth to the surface solid precipitation in Hokkaido, Japan

Press release (in Japanese)

This study examined future changes in the microphysical properties of surface solid precipitation over Hokkaido, Japan. A process-tracking model that predicts the mass of the hydrometeors generated by each cloud microphysical process was implemented in a meteorological model. This implementation aimed to analyze the mass fraction of hydrometeors resulting from depositional growth and the riming process to the total mass of surface solid precipitation. Results from pseudo-global warming experiments suggest two potential future changes in the characteristics of surface solid precipitation over Hokkaido. First, the rimed particles are expected to increase……

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Article Information:
Sato, Y., M. Kamada, A. Hashimoto, and M. Inatsu, 2024: Future change in the contribution of riming and depositional growth to the surface solid precipitation in Hokkaido, Japan. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.,  
DOI: 10.1175/JAMC-D-23-0226.1