Early Land Plant Spore Assemblage from the Devonian Nakazato Formation of the South Kitakami Belt, Northeast Japan

Joint press release (in Japanese) by Shizuoka University, Hokkaido University, and Kumamoto University
A palynological study was conducted for the first time on the Lower Devonian Nakazato Formation in the South Kitakami Belt, northeast Japan. The palynomorphs were primarily examined using a scanning electron microscope as they exhibited opaqueness due to very high thermal maturity and coalification. The palynological assemblage comprises cryptospores, spores, tubular remains and conducting structures. However, species-level identification was proven challenging for many obtained palynomorphs. Nevertheless, the assemblage exhibited notable similarities to the Pragian to early Emsian palynoassemblages from South China in terms of composition and representation of genera. The age estimate derived from the palynological….
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Article information:
Ahmed Maher, Julien Legrand, Toshihiro Yamada, Toshifumi Komatsu
Early Land Plant Spore Assemblage from the Devonian Nakazato Formation of the South Kitakami Belt, Northeast Japan. Paleontological Research 3(2024)