
Geometry Colloquium: Evaluation of Euler Number of Complex Grassmann Manifold G(k, N) via Mathai-Quillen Formalism(秦泉寺雅夫)オンライン開催に変更しました

Event Date: Sep 22, 2021

Time: 16:30-18:00

Place:Faculty of Science Building  #3, Room 204 

Speaker: 秦泉寺 雅夫(岡山大学)

Title:Evaluation of Euler Number of Complex Grassmann Manifold G(k, N) via Mathai-Quillen Formalism”(今西翔一郎氏、桑田健氏との共同研究)

Abstract :  In this talk, we provide a recipe for computing Euler number of Grassmann manifold G(k,N) by using Mathai-Quillen formalism (MQ formalism) and Atiyah-Jeffrey construction. Especially, we construct path-integral representation of Euler number of G(k,N). Our model corresponds to a finite dimensional toy-model of topological Yang-Mills theory which motivated Atiyah-Jeffrey construction. As a by-product, we construct free fermion realization of cohomology ring of G(k,N).