
数理科学セミナー:2周期ハミルトニアンによる連続時間量子ウォーク極限定理/Limit distribution on 1D Long-Range Ising Model with Random Boundary Condition

Event Date: Feb 14, 2024

Time: 2024年2月14日 15時00分 ~ 2024年2月14日 16時50分

Place:理学部4号館 4-501


15:00~15:50 町田 拓也(日本大学)



紹介する内容は、Machida [1]に基づく。

[1] Takuya Machida, Limit distribution of a continuous-time quantum walk with a spatially
2-periodic Hamiltonian, Quantum Information Processing, Vol.22, 332 (2023).

16:00~16:50 Eric O. Endo(New York University Shanghai)

Title:Limit distribution on 1D Long-Range Ising Model with Random Boundary Condition

Abstract:We consider the one-dimensional long-range ferromagnetic Ising model with pair interactions $J_{xy}=|x-y|^{-\alpha}$, with $1< \alpha\le 2$, where the boundary conditions are uniformly randomly chosen. The aim of this talk is to present the metastate of the model at low temperatures, that is, the distributional limit of a finite-volume Gibbs measures when the volumes are sparse enough. We will show that there exists a critical power $\alpha_c=3/2$ that the metastate is supported to different Gibbs measures. For $3/2< \alpha\le 2$, the metastate of the model is concentrated on mixed states, whereas for $1<\alpha<3/2$ the metastate has its support just on the set of the two extremal Gibbs measures, the measures with plus and minus boundary conditions. We will not only discuss the idea of the proof, but we will also talk about the notion of metastates and introduce the toy model that provides the intuition of the result; more specifically, when the configuration inside of the volume is either all plus or all minus, and the boundary configuration is random. Joint work with Aernout C.D. van Enter and Arnaud Le Ny.
