
Plant mechanical adaption to environmental stress

BEIER, Marcel PascalAssistant Professor

Cell Structure and Function
Basic Biology, Plant Physiology, Biomechanics, Molecular Biology
The adaption of P. patens and A. thaliana to microgravity and other extreme conditions
Cell wall
Osmotic pressure

Plants are exposed to an everchanging environment and are thefore masters of adaption. I am interested in the ability of plants to adapt to extreme stress condtions like microgravity, mechanical stress etc. To better understand how a plant can grow under these conditions it is necessary to better understand the mechanical responses of a plant. For this purpose i currently started to analyze the mechanical properties of plants in response to stress. Current coopeartions include researchers from mechanical enginnering, chemistry and mathematics. The goal of these cooperations is the establishment of microdevices that enable us to to measure the changes in a variety of condtitions.


Contact me if you are interested in plants, nutrients, and environmental adaption.


  • Root shape adaptation to mechanical stress derived from unidirectional vibrations in Populus nigra. Marcel Pascal Beier, Satoru Tsugawa, Taku Demura, Toru Fujiwara. Plant Biotechnology 37(4): 423-428, Dec 25, 2020.
  • The urea transporter DUR3 contributes to rice production under nitrogen-deficient and field conditions. Beier, M.P., Fujita, T., Sasaki, K., Kanno, K., Ohashi, M., Tamura, W., Konishi, N., Saito, M., Imagawa, F., Ishiyama, K., Miyao, A., Yamaya, T., Kojima, S. Physiologia Plantarum 167(1): 75-89, 2019.
  • Lack of ACTPK1, an STY kinase, enhances ammonium uptake and use, and promotes growth of rice seedlings under sufficient external ammonium. Beier, M.P., Obara, M., Taniai, A., Sawa, Y., Ishizawa, J., Yoshida, H., Tomita, N., Yamanaka, T., Ishizuka, Y., Kudo, S., Yoshinari, A., Takeuchi, S., Kojima, S., Yamaya, T., Hayakawa, T. Plant Journal 93(6): 992-1006, 2018.



Plant Evolutionary and Developmental Biology


Faculty of Science
Department of Biological Sciences
Cell Structure and Function

Grad School

Graduate School of Life Science
Division of Life Science
Biosystems Science Course

Contact Information

Science Building No. 5 5-602
Email: m.beier [atmark] oia.hokudai.ac.jp

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