
Many outstanding mathematical research have been conducted at the department of mathematics since its foundation in 1930. Cutting-edge research results have been produced continually including Kiyoshi Oka, who did fundamental work in the theory of several complex variables,  Zenjiro Kuramochi, who is famous for the theory of Kuramochi boundary, and Noboru Tanaka, who is famous for the theory of Tanaka-connection in CR geometry. 


The Department of Mathematics was founded with two chairs of Geometry and Analysis.
Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University, Series 1, Mathematics was issued.
1932 Wilhelm Blaschke visited the department and gave a lecture.
1938 The Journal TENSOR was issued. Editor Shoji Kawaguchi.
1939 Kiyoshi Oka joined the department.
  Chair of Algebra was added.
1948 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Series 1, Mathematics was issued.
1950 Yoshie Katsurada defended PhD, which was the first female PhD of Science in Japan.
1964 Chairs of Functional Analysis, Geometry, Analysis, and Algebra were added.
1967 Chair of Manifolds added.
  Yoshie Katsurada became the first female professor at former imperial universities.
1968 Chair of Complex Analysis was added.
1969 Chair of Number theory was added.
1972 Hokkaido Mathematical Journal was issued.
1987 Preprint Series and Lecture Notes was issued.
Chair of Applied Mathematics was added.
1992 Chair of Keisan-Rikigaku was added.
1995 The Department was reorganized to chairs devoted to the study of  Daisu-kouzu gaku, Kuukan-kouzou gaku, Suurikaiseki gaku. Jyohosuuri (Research Institute for Electric Science) joined as cooperating chair.
2013 Keizo Yamaguchi became president of Hokkaido University.